10 Crazy Facts That You Don’t Know But Should Know!


Aren’t there way too many things to be known? Here is a compilation of non related but definitely crazy things in the world, you must know!

1. The major religion in Antarctica is Christianity with a total of 8 churches.

2. More books are written, published and sold in Iceland than anywhere else on the Earth. One is ten Icelanders will become a published author in their lifetime.

3. Mankind has lead to increase of moon’s landmass by 178,414 kgs. We have dumped 178,414 kilograms of Earth on the moon and bought 382 Kilos of moon to Earth.


4. There are bees who drink your tears away.

5. The neurons of a dead Squid in a Japanese dish called odori-don is activated by soy sauce, causing it to dance. Bet the video will make you want to puke!

6. How to make (dumb) people realize that you’re being sarcastic or rhetoric in the text? Here are the punctuation!






7. If you properly shuffle a deck of cards, in all likelihood, the resulting deck has never been seen before in the history of world.


8. Africa is way bigger than what’s shown in the map! Countries like continental USA, China, India, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Greece, Sweden, Norway, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Nepal, Bangladesh and Papua New Guinea would fit in Africa and still have some room left over!

9. There are traffic jams on Mount Everest!




10. Collectively Gangnam style has wasted over 15,400 hours of humanity on YouTube! and still counting…!


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